Apply for the Seniors Energy Rebate


The Seniors Energy Rebate is available for eligible independent retirees to help cover the cost of their electricity.

To be eligible you need to hold a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC).

CSHCs are means-tested concession cards issued by Services Australia and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).

The Seniors Energy Rebate is $200 per household, per financial year.

If your application is successful, the rebate will be paid directly into your nominated bank or Credit Union account.

Seniors Energy Rebate – Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Collection Notice

Terms and Conditions

 1. Definitions
1.1 The following definitions apply to these Terms and Conditions:

Agency means Service NSW.

Applicant means a person who is:

the holder of a Services Australia issued Commonwealth Seniors Health Card or a Department of Veteran Affairs issued Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

the primary account holder named on the electricity bill for their primary place of residence.

Department means the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

2. Application
2.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to applicants for the SER. By applying, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

3. Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the SER:

    • You must be the holder of a valid Services Australia issued Commonwealth Seniors Health Card or a Department of Veteran Affairs issued Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
    • The name on your Commonwealth Senior Health Card (CSHC) must match the name of the electricity bill holder
    • You must be the primary account holder named on the electricity bill
    • You must be applying for the SER for your primary place of residence.
    • The information you provide must be true and can be audited at any time by the Department.
    • You understand that it is an offence under the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) to provide false or misleading information to a public authority


    • One $200 rebate is applied per household per Financial year
    • Payment will be made via EFT to customer nominated bank account
    • The SER is available only for electricity


    • Service NSW and the Department has the right, at its discretion, to verify any information provided as part of the application. Verification may include, without limitation, any or all of the following:
      • Requesting the provision of additional information.
      • Confirmation that the Eligibility Criteria have been met.
    • Notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms and Conditions, the Agency reserves the right to require additional information or clarification from you, or anyone else before proceeding to make a decision about whether any applications are eligible or ineligible.
    • You understand that:
      • Services Australia will disclose your personal information to Service NSW including your name/address and concession card type and status to confirm your eligibility for the SER.
      • This consent, once signed, remains valid while you are a customer of Service NSW unless you withdraw it by contacting Service NSW or the Department.
      • You can get proof of your circumstances/details from Services Australia and provide it to Service NSW so your eligibility for the SER can be determined.
      • If you withdraw your consent or do not alternatively provide proof of your circumstances/details, you may not be eligible for the SER provided by Service NSW.

6.Closure, suspension or variation of the Seniors Energy Rebate

    • The Department reserves the right, at any time, to:
      • Vary these Terms and Conditions, the Eligibility Criteria and process for application.
      • Suspend the operation of, or close, the SER application form.
      • Alter or change the opening and closing date for applications.
      • Reduce or extend the application period of the SER.
    • Any changes to these Terms and Conditions or action taken to suspend or revoke projects will be notified on the website.
    • General
      • Service NSW is in no way responsible or accountable for any decisions made by our partner agency – the NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment at any time.
      • No rights under these Terms and Conditions will be waived except by notice in writing signed by both you and the Department.
      • The SER and all related documents are governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales.
      • Where the Department has issued a notice to the email address provided as part of the application process, the notification will be deemed to have been received by you immediately upon receipt of electronic transmission confirmation.

Privacy Statement

Service NSW (Level 3, 1 Prince Albert Road, Queens Square, Sydney NSW 2000) is collecting your personal information as part of exercising the customer service functions of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (‘Department’) for the Seniors Energy Rebate (SER). Any information you provide in your application to Service NSW will be disclosed to the Department.

The Department has obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1988 in managing your personal information. The Department’s Privacy Management Plan describes how it meets these obligations.

By making an application for the SER you will provide personal information to the Department, including: your name, date of birth, address and contact details; information about your electricity account including your National Metering Identifier (NMI), and your authorised energy retailer and/or distribution network service provider (Retailer); your Commonwealth Seniors Health Care details; and your bank account details.

There is no requirement for you to provide your personal information to the Department as applying for the SER is voluntary, yet if you do not provide all personal information requested the Department will not be able to process your application for the SER.

The Department (Level 22, 320 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000) is collecting your personal information for the purpose of administering the SER. The administration of the SER may include the Department using your personal information to confirm your eligibility, make rebate payments, prepare reporting, contact you about the SER, identify whether you may be eligible for any other energy assistance schemes and ensure that the SER is only paid to you while you are eligible.

To administer the SER, the Department will also disclose the following personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • Any information held or obtained about your eligibility for the SER to Service NSW, as required, for Service NSW to perform the customer service functions of the SER
  • Your Commonwealth Seniors Health Care details to Services Australia, through the Centrelink Confirmation eServices portal, to verify your eligibility for the SER
  • Your personal details and details of your energy account (including NMI), to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), as required, for the purpose of verifying your ongoing eligibility for the SER
  • Your personal details and details of your energy account (including NMI) to your Retailer, as required, for the purpose of verifying your ongoing eligibility for the SER. The Department may also request that your Retailer provide information about your electricity usage, for example to estimate the impact of the SER on your electricity bill for the purposes of reporting
  • Bank account details.

The Department will not disclose your personal information to any other person, unless you have given additional consent, or there is a requirement to do so under law.

Your personal information will be held securely by the Department through a secured database.

If you are found to be eligible for the SER, the Department will continue to treat the information you have provided in your SER application as current unless you advise the Department of any change. You have a right to access your personal information. You also can request that your personal information be updated and corrected. You should contact and advise the Department of changes if:

  • you no longer wish to receive the SER
  • you move house, and advise of your new address and NMI
  • you change Retailer, and advise of your new Retailer and account details
  • you change bank or account number, and advise of your new bank or account number.

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