Vasomotor headache (migraine) is a disease that many people experience but it is subjective and often does not treat until it gets worse.

Vasomotor headache (migraine) is a headache of vascular origin, caused by abnormal dilation of cerebral blood vessels in patients with impaired levels of the neurotransmitter Serotonin. Serotonin is suddenly released and broken down, causing blood vessels to dilate and cause severe pain.

The main manifestation of vasomotor headache is severe, prolonged pain in the temples and frontal region, which can cause vomiting or nausea, dizziness.

The vasomotor headache gives a feeling of throbbing, twitching in accordance with the pulse (some people describe it as a needle or a hammer). Moderate to severe pain that usually begins on one side of the head and lasts 4 to 72 hours, often accompanied by one of the following symptoms, such as photophobia, fear of sound, or pain that increases with movement.

In some patients, pain may begin with a number of warning signs such as dizziness (blurred vision or zigzag lines of light), speech disturbances, hearing disturbances, and increased need to urinate.

Vasomotor headache, if not treated promptly, will progress more and more seriously, prolonged lack of oxygen in the brain will cause a cerebrovascular accident, which can cause hemiplegia or paralysis of the limbs.

Vasomotor headache is a chronic disease, so far there is no specific drug to cure the disease completely.

Migraine headache, also known as migraine, causes patients to experience migraine headaches that are not stable or sometimes bilateral, accompanied by pulsating symptoms. Before the migraine, the patient will have blurred vision, flying flies, nausea, pulse in the temporal region. Depending on the level of pain, the patient may have moderate or severe pain, the pain gradually increases, even accompanied by symptoms of nausea, photophobia, fear of noise, stress.

Migraine headaches occur from many causes in the location of the left or right migraine. This headache can be caused by some of the following typical causes:

Migraine headaches occur due to the brain’s nerves are disturbed, the blood vessels in the brain are abnormally dilated, causing sudden and dull pain in the first half A severe headache occurs when substances Serotonin transmission is released, eliminated suddenly and met with stimulating factors such as insomnia, stimulant use, stress, hormone changes… Due to hormonal fluctuations in women in age 30-50 often face stress…Due to inherited from parent to child….

What are the signs and symptoms of a migraine?
In migraine, you will have signs that herald the onset of a migraine many hours or days before. These signs are also known as “millions,” and include:

Changes in mood such as sudden depression or irritability Intolerant of bright light (photosensitivity)Noise tolerance (sensitivity to sound) Hyperactivity Feeling sluggish, fatigue Changes in appetite and nausea.

You will then experience a “transient aura” (temporary sensory or motor disturbance), which occurs just before the migraine. These signs include hearing as well as vision problems (seeing flashes of light, flashing lights, halos or blind spots). This usually lasts 10 to 30 minutes, after which a headache will appear and a dull ache (or throbbing pain) on one side of the head.

For a regular headache, you won’t have “a million” and the pain occurs on both sides of the head. You may feel nauseous and sometimes feel numb and tired.

There may be other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about signs of illness, consult your doctor.

What methods are used to treat migraine headaches?

Currently on the market there are still no drugs to cure migraine headaches, in pharmacies you can only buy pain relievers. Currently, there are 2 supplements that can make you not need to take as  pain reliever and not get a headache when taking it

Isotonix® Advanced B-Complex taking together with Isotonix® OPC-3


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