Australian Government Support


You may be able to access a number of Australian Government services if you hold a Temporary Humanitarian Stay (449),

Temporary Humanitarian Concern (786), Temporary Protection (785)(TPV) or Safe Heaven Enterprise (790)(SHEV) visa.

This Guide will give you a basic introduction to the services and types of assistance that are available, and where you can go for advice. It will help you to find and contact the services you need.

Services include: • some social security payments such as Special Benefit, Rent Assistance and family assistance payments (Department of Human Services)

• employment — including finding a job and Disability Employment Services • health services, including Medicare • mental health and emotional wellbeing services (including counselling for torture and trauma)

• education for children of school age • Complex Case Support and free translating and interpreting services (Department of Social Services).

Smiling senior man staying in nursing home
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