Magnesium deficiency and stroke
Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body’s functions, but many people don’t pay attention to it. It is estimated that more than 80% of people in the United States do not get enough of this substance.
Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function as well as heart rhythm. It reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, regulates blood sugar, and is needed for more than 350 biochemical reactions in the body. Along with vitamin D, magnesium plays an essential role in preventing osteoporosis. Magnesium deficiency is associated with many chronic diseases such as:
– Atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke,
– Hypertension,
– Obese,
– Diabetes, asthma,
– Migraine headache
– Anxiety and depression.
Common symptoms of magnesium deficiency are:
– Tired,
– Muscle cramps (cramps),
– Nervous,
– Headache,
– Insomnia and anxiety.
The body cannot “make” magnesium on its own, but must rely on the foods we eat to maintain adequate levels. Magnesium is found in dark green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and Swiss chard. Nuts such as almonds, cashews, melon seeds, and sunflower seeds, also help increase magnesium levels, as do certain fish, such as halibut and mackerel. ). Today’s food is magnesium limited because soil fertility is lacking, we need to supplement Magnesium For a healthy magnesium level, it is recommended to use according to body weight: 3mg for every 1 pound. Those who are under a lot of stress should take 5mg/pound. The average dose for women is 400mg/day, men: 500mg/day. Magnesium Isotonix is the fastest and most absorbed supplement compared to other types of Magnesium because Magnesium Isotonix is isotonic, so it is absorbed quickly and completely.
Another great way to absorb magnesium is to take a bath with a cup of Epsom salt mixed in it once or twice a week, which is great for people who often suffer from cramps or anxiety.
Increasing magnesium intake with food, or taking magnesium supplements regularly, can reduce the risk of conditions such as heart attack and stroke. It can improve quality of life as well as prolong life.